FREE 5-Step Primer to Podcasting For Passion & Profit

Have you been flirting with the idea of starting a podcast forever now, but you just can't get around to it?

Maybe you're not sure where to begin or even what you'd say each episode.

Maybe the whole process feels daunting, or like just another uphill marketing to-do.

Maybe you're not sure how you're going to fit a podcast into your already-jam-packed schedule.

Let me guess: you're waiting to start your pod until you've launched your course, membership, or finished with that big client project....

I get it – you're super busy!

But I'm going to let you in on a little secret: prioritizing your podcast can be the driver for a more successful launch; help you grow your audience; and amplify your brand.

It's no longer enough to hit 'publish' on a blog. Audio content is the new cornerstone of your business development.  With a podcast, your audience become loyal fans – and your best clients.

Whether you're planning on getting started now or "next quarter," this no-BS approach to podcast basics is the pre-requisite you need to rock the mic with confidence.

In this primer, you'll discover:
  • why a podcast is your 1-2-punch! to attract better clients & customers
  • the one exercise to build 'content confidence' (so you'll never run out of stuff to talk about)
  • how to make podcasting fit into your schedule 
  • the basic tech setup to get started (don't worry, it's easy!)
  • the unexpected personal benefits of podcasting (that no one ever talks about)

Over five days, you'll get exclusive access to my private podcast; a coaching series delivered via email; and an accompanying workbook.

This FREE primer is my secret shortcut to start your podcast for passion and profit!


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